Fall 2024*
Registration and Schedule
*schedule subject to changes, return here for updates
How It Works
1. First-time students must take the $145 online class prior to a field exam.​ You can register a first-time participant for the online class when you register a participant in one of the field exams.
2. The online class only has to be taken once.
3. Field Exams are held in the Spring and Fall in the following locations: Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Valdez, and Kenai, and Prudhoe Bay/Deadhorse.​
4. There is no night certification in the Spring for the State of Alaska. In the Fall, night certification exams are held only at the Deadhorse, Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Valdez locations.
5. The field certificate is valid for six months.
Online Course
Available every season for first time participants.
Sept 21 - Deadhorse 1
DAY 9am $625
NIGHT 8pm $625
Alaska Clean Seas, Spine Road
Oct 5 - Deadhorse 2
DAY 9am $625
NIGHT 7pm $625
Alaska Clean Seas, Spine Road
Oct 8 - Juneau
DAY 9am $510
No night class
Fire Training Center, Sherwood Lane (across from DMV)
Oct 9 - Anchorage 1
DAY 1pm $245
NIGHT 7pm $245
1600 Lidia Selkregg Lane - Russian Jack Park
Oct 12 - Kenai 1
DAY 1pm $455
No night class
35350 Kalifornsky Beach Road (Hilcorp's KGF facilities - further directions to be sent to participants)
Oct 18 - Fairbanks
DAY 1pm $395
NIGHT 6:30pm $395
Fire Training Center, 1710 30th Avenue
Oct 21 - Valdez
DAY 9am $625
NIGHT 6:30pm $625
Valdez Civic Center, 110 Clifton Drive
Oct 30 - Anchorage 2
DAY 1pm $245
NIGHT 6pm $245
1600 Lidia Selkregg Lane - Russian Jack Park
Nov 1 - Kenai 2
DAY 1pm $455
No night class
35350 Kalifornsky Beach Road (Hilcorp's KGF facilities - further directions to be sent to participants)
Valdez Convention Center Field Exam
Kenai BEACON Field Exam
Valdez Alyeska Pipeline Terminal Field Exam
After Registration ​
Please have all participants read the "Arrive Prepared" section on this website.
Requests for copies of certificates are free for the first year. Certificates over one year old will cost $25 each.
Registration will be confirmed by invoice and you can print the invoice directly from the registration portal at the time of registration. We now take payments online directly through the portal as well. There is a 5% discount for early payments. A final invoice will be sent after the last field test if the balance has not yet been paid. Terms are net 30. Certificates are emailed pending full payment. Please login to the registration portal to make payments.
Participant Cancellation Policy
We offer a 100% refund with 2-week notice. If there is equipment failure or a field exam cancellation AER will reimburse participants unable to attend any re-scheduled or alternate field exam.
Trouble accessing the online registration?
Participants may “Walk-on” during the field test of their choice and register there by signing the participation roster we have available on site. There is plenty of space for everyone at all sites. If people who have not been registered before are going to show up, they should first take the online class prior to arriving to the field exam.
Having trouble in the registration portal, or with the online class, please email Shawna Popovici at the email listed on the About Us page.